I am seeking the following
information under the Right to Information Act and the same should be furnished IMMEDIATELY as this has tremendous public
interest as it saves crores of rupees to the public and the Government
A. Following information
regarding the Policy on Government Public Sector Enterprises Reforms in Karnataka issued.
i. Name of the officer
who signed the above order
ii. Which parts of
the policy have come into effect? Give details: giving the Para/sub-para number and the details of the Government order or
letter issued to the PSEs issued in this regard.
iii. Which other parts
of the policy will come into effect before 15/2/2007? Give details of the Para/sub-para numbers of the policy that will come into effect
iv. In respect of
which other parts of the policy no work has been done so far? Reasons for not taking up these to be given for each such Para/sub-para
of the Policy
B. Following information regarding the Annual Report for the year 2004-05
Reasons for not publishing the Annual Performance Report for the year 2004-05 so far.
Ii Whether lack of manpower with technical and finance background in
the Department has any thing to do with this?
iii Who is responsible for not having the required technical manpower?
iv How many officers with technical and finance background were relieved
by the Principal Secretary after he took charge . And to fulfill which objectives of the
relieved by the Principal Secretary Dr I. Devendiran after he took charge
and to fulfill which objectives of the Government Policy on PSE Reforms did he take such decisions?
(C) Give details of
circulars/letters issued by Sri M.N.Vijayakumar, IAS while he was working in the Department in respect of the following:
i To increase transparency
in the functioning of the PSEs by clearly defining the role and responsibilities
of Government Nominee Directors? What were the serious lapses on the part of the Nominee Directors pointed out in the circular?
ii To reduce corrupt
practices in the PSEs in recruitment, declaration of assets and liabilities of employees and action to be taken in respect
of retired corrupt employees.
iii For Effective use of the Right to Information Act by the PSEs
D. What were the serious
irregularities pointed out by Sri M.N.Vijayakumar, IAS? Give details in respect of each of those cases involving more than
Rs one lakh and less than one crore. In respect of cases exceeding Rs One Crore action taken so far. And in respect of all
cases the method adopted by Dr. I. Devendiran in suppressing them.
E. What are the cases
in which Sri M.N.Vijayakumar was completely ignored by the Principal Secretary and final decisions were taken?
F What are the cases
in which the views of Sri M.N.Vijayakumar, IAS were initially rejected and later, after clearly bringing out the irregularity
involved or because of valid reasons, the original suggestions of Sri M.N.Vijayakumar, IAS were accepted by the Principal
Secretary. Information to be given in respect of each case.
G. In how many cases
the Principal Secretary gave wrong advice in spite of those being pointed out by Sri M.N.Vijayakumar, IAS including initiating
Departmental Enquiries
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